Church in a Building’s 3rd Birthday
Sam Tyndall, St. Cuthbert’s, Marton, Middlesbrough

Church in a Building is a New Worshipping Community based at St Cuthbert's Marton in Middlesbrough. On Sunday 17th March they celebrated 3 years of meeting in person for worship. They were joined by Bishop Paul and Archdeacon Amanda for a special birthday service with party games and lots of cake.
The theme was Jesus' words in Matthew 18 & 19 which make it clear how important children are to God, and as an example to follow in God's Kingdom. This teaching has been important to the congregation as they have attempted to develop an intergenerational worshipping community in which everyone participates and is on a journey of discipleship, whatever age they are. In his talk, Bishop Paul spoke about the way that children are often the best at experiencing wonder and amazement, which are so important for followers of Jesus.
Multiply Minister Rev. Sam Tyndall said 'It was a really special afternoon, and felt like a significant milestone to have reached 3 years of meeting in person. It's mad to think back to 3 years ago when a small group of us met in this hall for our first service, and to what it's become now. It's not all been plain sailing, but it's great to be able to look back at the work God has been doing in our community over the last few years, and look ahead to what God has in store for us in the future'.
The congregation meets in the church hall on Sunday afternoons at 4pm for an all age service with crafts, games, action songs, interactive prayers and a short talk on the bible theme for the week. For more information visit: or search for St Cuthberts in Coulby Newham on Facebook and Instagram.
To find out more about Rev Sam Tyndall and his New Worshipping Community click here.