York, St. Paul’s & St. Barnabas
Matt Woodcock
Matt is a full time Multiply Minister and planted the New Worshipping Community ‘The Upper Room’ at St Barnabas and St Paul’s.
Upper Room York started life as a small group exploring the Christian faith in the upstairs room of The Leeman Pub, in Leeman Road, York. It has since grown and now meets through the week in the west side of the City. The community offers opportunities to grow in Christian discipleship, explore faith, meet new friends at social gatherings and get involved in community outreach.
February 2024 Update
It has been an interesting and refreshing period in the life of our Multiply 20s-40s community, Upper Room York.
During my extended study leave, the group flourished in my absence, continuing to meet, eat and grow together in faith under the guiding hand of our lay leaders, Pete and Rhiannon Hale.
Some of our community took a step out of their comfort zones and led sessions at our Monday night discipleship gatherings at Footprints Nursery. I should go away more often.
Over the summer, a bunch of us had the joy of volunteering as leaders at the Pathfinder Camp in Criccieth in North Wales. It was an enriching and life-giving time seeing the teenagers grow in friendship and faith.
During the festive period we formed a band, Reverend and the Reindeers, to perform in local pubs and raise money for a mental health charity. Our snow machine helped spread a smile of Christmas joy.
I also cleared out our garage so we could help provide much-needed space for the local Leeman Road community food bank to make up their Christmas hampers. They were sent out to over 600 struggling local families.
Most recently, we embarked on our annual winter retreat to Robin Hood’s Bay. It was a wonderful time of spiritual refreshment, fun, gorgeous food, roaring fires and bracing walks
The legendary Reverend Robin Gamble led our sessions all about the Bread of Life and gave us plenty to reflect on and pray about.
We had a massive curry on Saturday night followed by a talent show and neon party. On Sunday, after sharing Holy Communion together, we had a delicious Sunday dinner and left with full hearts and bellies!
Lizzie, a committed Upper Roomer who is finishing her medical training, joined us on retreat for the first time. She said she got home feeling ‘refreshed’ and ‘re-energised’.
‘It was a feast!’
We have now supplied the community with copies of Robin’s latest discipleship book, ‘Jesus 100’, as a way of encouraging a daily habit of Bible reading and quiet time with God.
During this term’s Monday night sessions we are looking at the miracles of Jesus and reflecting on how they might apply to our everyday lives.
The content has been inspired by Jeffery John’s excellent Lent book, The Meaning In The Miracles. I recommend it.
For more information about Upper Room York or to contact us visit our webpage at www.mattwoodcock.co.uk/upperroom

February 2023 Update
Our ‘Upper Room York’ 20s-40s community continues to develop and evolve. It has been lovely to welcome a few new people to our gatherings in the last month - and say farewell to some others.
I find 20s-40s ministry to be quite fluid and transient with people coming and going all the time. For me, this is exciting and soul-destroying all at the same time! In recent months we’ve been looking at ‘identity’ at our Monday discipleship gatherings. It has generated lots of helpful discussion and enlightening Biblical insights.
We recently had our annual winter retreat to Robin Hood’s Bay. It was a wonderful time of spiritual refreshment, fun and bracing walks - although going in the sea was a bad idea. FREEZING!
Multiply Team Leader, Rev John Lee, led our Saturday session and gave us plenty to reflect on and pray about. The worship was uplifting and the food delicious! We’ll soon be doing the Church of England’s ‘Dust and Glory’ Lent Course on Monday nights and then studying the ‘Rythym Of Life’ materials supplied by York Diocese. Recent socials have included a ‘Hymns and Curry’ night and cinema trip.
After Easter, I will be going on Extended Study Leave to write a bestselling book, attempt my first pilgrimage on the Camino (way of St James) and try to stay off my phone. Our community will be in the safe hands of our lay leaders, overseen by Pete and Rhiannon Hale. Any questions about Upper Room, please contact me at info@mattwoodcock.co.uk.
Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell joined members of the Multiply community, Upper Room York, for a night of curry and faith conversation.
The Upper Room started life as a group exploring the Christian faith in the upstairs room of The Leeman Pub, in Leeman Road, York. It has since grown and now meets through the week in homes and venues across the west side of the City.
The Upper Room community offers opportunities to grow in Christian discipleship, explore faith, meet new friends at social gatherings and get involved in community outreach.
Archbishop Stephen enjoyed curry and conversation with the group before taking questions and sharing some of his faith inspirations.
Multiply Minister, the Reverend Matt Woodcock said: “We had a cracking night with Archbishop Stephen. He inspired and encouraged us with some honest reflections about his own journey of faith and gave us loads to think and pray about. The night reaffirmed to us our deep desire to be a Christ-centred community which makes a difference. Top night.”
Deborah Bell, a mother-of-two who regularly attends Upper Room gatherings, said: “It was so refreshing to hear Archbishop Stephen speak so frankly about his own life and faith. He really encouraged me to see church as a community of people. I get so much peace and purpose from coming to Upper Room and my faith has deepened because of it.”