York, Derwent Ings
Emma Mawer
Emma started the role of Multiply Lay Leader in September 2021, she is based in Wheldrake and the Derewnt Ings Benefice made up of 5 village parishes.
Emma is now in her 4th year (as of January 2025)– Her New Worshipping Community is in the form of messy church rotating weekly around the three C of E primary schools. This NWC continues to grow with up to 50 in attendance now and a core of 13 families that attend messy church weekly. Someone said to Emma recently, that she and her children had learnt more about the Bible from the Messy Derwent Sessions over the last 3 years, than they had learnt through any other means (i.e. attending church and attending a C of E Primary School)
Emma does school assemblies, has started a weekly “Bed time story” live on Facebook and also hosts additional seasonal events engaging with a wider group of families. The weekly Pudding night continues to go well.
Emma says: “On a Tuesday at Pudding Night, people of little faith come to understand more of God’s incredible plan for this world and their lives. This is done through sharing life experiences and through exploratory Bible study.”
February 2024 Update: ‘Pudding and Wine’
We started the Messy Derwent Project in January 2022. It is a weekly messy church event, following the pattern of Messy Church (crafts), Sweaty Church (fun games and challenges), Messy Science (science experiments), and Messy Expressions (music, drama and craft). At the beginning, there were a few families and a small team. It was a case of finding our way, establishing the weekly routine, and getting to know people in the benefice. Over the first year it grew, both in numbers, but also in community and belonging, with the inclusion of people with disabilities. In January 2023 we were looking to offer something more to the parents who attended. Having heard good things about ‘The Wellbeing Journey’, we ran the course for a couple of months from February to April. We provided pudding and wine as the refreshments. It was well received by those who attended.
To follow on, we continued with the pudding and wine, but replaced the ‘The Wellbeing Journey’, with a short bible passage based on the previous week’s messy church theme. Rather than being a formal bible study, we just read the verses and asked open questions…
What do you think about the things that happen in this story?
Why do you think that they are included in the Bible?
Is there anything that we can learn/ apply to ourselves from these verses?
It was a safe space, where people could ask questions, develop their understanding, and even say that they disagreed with the bible. There was flexibility in each session, for the discussion to go wherever people chose to lead it. Sometimes this even meant that we didn’t look at the bible passage at all, but instead, talked about the Christian perspective on a current news story.
It is still continuing now and is really valued by those who attend.
‘I really like that it is an all-female space which is non-judgemental and inclusive…it’s an opportunity to pause and explore my faith.’
‘The puddings and wine are a real treat, put people at ease and for me set a comforting tone, which is very appealing after a long day!’
‘I really enjoy making friends…but also exploring bible passages that I may not be familiar with…I love how we can chat openly, sharing ideas and remind ourselves of how relevant the bible can be in our everyday lives.’
Here is Emma’s story
I spent most of my childhood living in a village in Kent with my brother and two sisters and was blessed to be brought up in a Christian family. When I was at Sunday School, aged 11, I was invited to make a commitment to follow Jesus, which I did.
My faith is everything to me, it is my anchor and my hope. The only way that I can live each day is in the strength that God provides.
As a teenager, someone spoke a verse over me, about trusting in the Lord and never being shaken. That has certainly been my experience – regardless of how tough life has been, I have always known God next to me and my faith has remained strong.
How did you get involved with Multiply?
I got involved with Multiply because I am passionate about serving my community and sharing the love of God. Sadly, our local church has seen a decline in attendance of 40% in recent years and in the spring of 2021 the church asked me to head up the “Messy Derwent Project.”
I love initiatives which enable people to see and experience a new way of being church, so in September 2021, I took on the role of Multiply lay leader.
The Messy Derwent Project which I lead, consists of weekly sessions that rotate around different venues after school. The first week is Messy Church, the second Sweaty Church, the third Messy Science and the fourth Messy Music. Each session usually has four activities, a ‘God slot’, action songs and a two-course meal.
Those that work with me running the project, are keen to see the church grow. They have a range of abilities and gifts, but most importantly, they are keen to serve.
The feedback in the early stages of the project has been great - families really enjoy the activities and being part of a positive community. The children are learning the Bible stories and songs that we teach, many of which they had not heard before.
I love having the opportunity to be creative in sharing the gospel. I really enjoy building and shaping a community that presents church in a positive, life giving way.
My vision for the future is for there to be lots of families who regularly attend the Messy Derwent Project and see it as a community that they are part of. They’ll have a good understanding of what it is to follow God, and they’ll encourage others to come along to find out more. Many of them will also have made a full commitment to following Jesus. I hope to grow a team that would include all sorts of people – young, old, in need, or full of life – and that it would nurture and encourage itself in faith and in sharing the gospel. In addition, it would help team members to develop skills and confidence, growing into the people God wants them to be.
The hope and prayer is that through the Messy Derwent Project we will grow a New Worshipping Community.
“If you are keen to see people come to faith and for the church to grow, consider getting involved with Multiply. It’s not a set formula or program, but a chance to be creative, to follow your passions and God’s call on your life. It’s the privilege of watching God’s Spirit at work.”