Tadcaster, The Bridge Project
Sharon Masterman
Sharon, pictured here with team member Lynn, has been involved in leading the Multiply work since it began in 2021 at the Bridge Project in Tadcaster. In 2022 she became the Multiply Lay Leader and has recently started Take Away Church on Sunday evenings.
Having begun our Multiply journey in the throws of lockdown, we had to be pretty inventive right from the start.
How do you introduce the non churched to church in a climate where you're not even allowed out of your house, never mind allowed to attend a public gathering?
We decided if people couldn't get to church we would take church, to them!
We began planning our first Take Away Church.
We started by contacting anyone we already had links with, and asked them if they would like to receive a Take Away Church box and to join us live on facebook. It was a wonderful way to love, serve and engage with the community during the pandemic.
Fast forward to 2023, we have just re-launched Take Away Church but now we are meeting at the Bridge Project in person!
Over the last two years we have continued to pray and serve the families in Tadcaster, take away church on line came to a natural end and we did try meeting in person shortly after on a Friday evening but it was too soon and people did not come. A year on and we have felt led to try it again this time on a Sunday and its got off to a great start! We are so pleased to be able to offer a space where the families can come and eat together, ask questions, have discussions, explore and grow in faith.
“ I just had to tell you about last night at Take Away Church!
God blessed us with 17 adults and 19 children. There were a few missing due to illness in the family.
We started with messy play and a craft, then moved into the main hall, were we had a family quiz ( based on the Bible) a short animated film explaining Jesus, Dominoes Take Away Pizzas and a talk by me on Acceptance....both Kate and I were both so pleased and humbled. I have had good feedback today, so all in all a good outcome so far!” Sharon, February 2023
““Welcoming, fun, people felt comfortable and excited. Lovely atmosphere. Every person I have spoken to wants to come again.””