Using Videos and Social Media for Mission
One of the best ways to connect with young adults is by using social media, youtube and other online platforms. But how do you actually do this?
There are lots of ways and the best platform for your NWC is going to depend on your context and who you are reaching. Many people in their 20s and 30s are not going to attend something if they haven’t seen its website or social media first, so think about whether creating a simple webpage might be a good starting point. They don’t have to break the bank and social media can all be free. Perhaps just set up a facebook page so you can keep in contact with those getting connected to your NWC. Ultimately social media is about engagement and relationships (just like the rest of life!) and not likes or making yourselves look bigger or better than you are. Don’t be scared of it - see what works for you and what you enjoy. If you have a camera phone then start taking photos (with permission) of your NWC or the events you are putting on.
Case Study: Hull Minster’s Lent Pilgrim Series
Hull Minster recently did a brilliant Lent Pilgrim series where they videoed mini talks around and about the local area. They are simple and short - it is easier than you think!
Listen about it here from Dan Broom, a Community Minister at Hull Minster:
And you can take a look at the videos Dan talks about, here