Book Recommendations from Bishop Ric Thorpe on NWCs
You don’t need to read lots of books on starting an NWC, ‘church planting’ or the history of mission before starting an NWC.
But if this is this sort of thing you’re interested in then the London Centre for Church Planting has some great suggestions that you can see here on ‘Bishop Ric’s Shelves’
Joshua Centre Blog
You could also read through the Joshua Centre blog. There are lots of stories of how NWCs have started, grown and changed the landscape of church in the Diocese of Liverpool here.
Tim Keller on ‘church planting’
Tim Keller has so many great thoughts on how to grow the church by planting new things, so check out his books. Or there is a short (not particularly flashy) video below on why he thinks the church will grow by starting lots of new communities, especially in an urban context.